Privacy Policy

Personal data and privacy policy

We collect and process personal data in accordance with GDPR. This information is used solely to process your order and improve our service.

We do not share your information with third parties without your permission. According to Danish law, the data is stored for five years. You have the right to access and have your data deleted by writing to 

Use of personal data

Personal data is collected and used in connection with: 

Fulfilling orders in our webshop:

  • Sending order confirmation 
  • Shipment of goods 
  • Complaints 
  • Returns 
  • Order status updates 

Member profile and newsletters:

  • Member profile management or sending newsletters 

Completion of payment:

  • Payment information for verification and payment fulfilment 
  • Returns 
  • Information is sent encrypted and in accordance with industry standards 

Marketing, invitations to events, etc:

  • Marketing our products 
  • Special offers 
  • Invitations, information about events, sales, etc.
Storage and disclosure of data

Your data will be deleted when we no longer need to process it for the fulfilment of one or more of the above purposes. The data may be processed and stored longer in anonymised form. 

Please note that the above-mentioned use will only take place if you have given your prior express consent, unless the law allows us to contact you without your prior consent.

We will not disclose your data to third parties unless you have given your consent. However, disclosure may occur in the following cases: 

  • The disclosure is required by law.
  • The disclosure is required in connection with a legal or possible legal settlement.
  • The disclosure is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of our legal rights. 

We use cookies to improve the user experience on our website. Cookies are used to remember your preferences and collect statistics. You can delete cookies from your browser at any time.  


We have implemented security measures to ensure that our internal procedures meet our high security policy standards and the information we record is stored and processed in a specially secured environment.

Only trusted employees of Chigee Danmark ApS or external data processors who process the information in accordance with our instructions have access to the information we process about you.

We thus endeavour to protect the quality and integrity of your personal data to the best of our ability.  To protect yourself against misuse of your information, you should never disclose user information and passwords to others. 

Access to your personal information

You have the right to access the data we process about you, subject to certain statutory exceptions.

You also have the right to object to the collection and further processing of your personal data.

You also have the right to have your personal data corrected if necessary. 

Links to other websites

We are not responsible for the content of other companies' websites or their personal data collection practices.

When you visit other websites, you are encouraged to read their privacy policies and other relevant policies. 

Changing information, unsubscribing from services, etc.

If you want us to update, change or delete any personal information we have registered about you, or if you do not wish to receive further communications from us, or if you have any questions about the above guidelines, you can contact us in writing at